Tags: "Pittsburgh"

09 Jun

Things that make my day in Pittsburgh

By Olena Goncharova |  There’s a flip calendar on my bedside table where I mark special dates and other little things to remember. As summer finally brings a warm breeze to Pittsburgh, I realize that I’ve spent almost three months ...

05 May

Practicing the fine art of small talk in America

By Olena Goncharova    What always surprises me when I come back home to Ukraine from my travels is the gloomy faces. It starts with border guards at the passport check in the airport. In the shuttle bus and in ...

26 Apr

Experiencing political carnival, Trump style

By Olena Goncharova Where am I? That was my first thought when Republican front-runner Donald Trump started his speech at the Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum in Pittsburgh. I had to wait more than an hour in line ...

26 Jun

Pittsburgh says good riddance to steel era

By Oksana Grytsenko When looking at photographs of Pittsburgh from the 1940s, it’s hard to distinguish day from night. The smog coming from the steel plants totally covered downtown, darkening with dust its historic buildings, trees and residents. Locals still ...

02 Jun

Take me out to the ballgame: a relaxing pastime

By Oksana Grytsenko Getting to know about baseball is essential for understanding American culture. That’s what Randy Smith, president of the Alfred Friendly Foundation, once told us during a journalism seminar. If the sport is indeed a mirror of the ...

25 May

The Wild West is long gone: Time for America to expand gun control

By Oksana Grytsenko On a cloudy morning, two teenagers were walking down the street in the sleepy outskirts of Pittsburgh when another teenager jumped out at them and opened fire. At least four bullets pierced a black minivan parked nearby, ...

21 May

Exercising, suffering for the sake of front page story

By Oksana Gyrtsenko When the initial excitement about having my stories published in the Post-Gazette was gone, I decided to distance myself from writing and focus on photo and video production. I went to the multimedia department and asked the ...

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