Our Fellows

Alfred Friendly Press Partners is a leader in transforming journalists who are recognized as vital to journalism excellence, press freedom, and informed citizenries.

A Global Community of Journalists

Hover over country to see alumni

Support us

Your tax-deductible gift will help the Alfred Friendly Foundation lift up journalism around the world by transforming journalists who are recognized as vital to journalism excellence and press freedom.

  • A monthly gift allows you to spread the financial impact of your giving across the entire year. This steady and reliable stream of income helps ensure that Alfred Friendly can make long-term commitments to projects and plan our programs accordingly to produce sustainable change over time. Your gift will support programming and training of journalists.

  • To honor an individual, such as a prominent journalist, newsroom or other organization. Please consider giving a gift in honor of or in memory of one of the brave international journalists dedicated to informing their citizenry and holding their governments accountable.

  • Each year a small group of journalists from abroad, unknown to one another, travel parallel roads during a six-month fellowship in the United States – the annual class of Alfred Friendly Fellows. We know that even after returning home the collegiality among Fellows is alive and well, sparked by shared circumstances then and now. Please consider the possibility of joining forces with your fellow Fellows on our behalf. Please consider a donation to honor your host newsroom mentor or your Alfred Friendly Fellow Alumni Class.

  • This is a favorite of holiday giving for maximum impact: turn your stock into an investment in the Alfred Friendly Press Partners.

    It may be to your advantage to make a gift of appreciated stock rather than cash in order to:

    • Avoid paying capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock, and

    • Receive an income-tax deduction for the full fair-market value of the stock at the time of the gift.

    Here’s how it works. If you purchased stock for $500, and its value has increased to $5,000, your gift of stock will allow you to take a charitable deduction of $5,000. You will not have to pay tax on the $4,500 increased value.

    You qualify for these tax advantages if you have owned the stock for more than a year. The gift must be postmarked by December 31 to qualify.

    Here is how to make the transfer:

    If you hold the stock certificate, you can send it unendorsed in an envelope to:

    310C Reynolds Journalism Institute
    Columbia, MO  65211

    In a separate envelope to the same address, send a signed, but otherwise blank, stock power form.

    Once you have arranged for your transfer, please contact Alfred Friendly to alert us of the stock transfer: 573-882-8694. This will ensure proper recognition of your generous gift.