Words have the power to create change

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” – John Keating

Words, facts, stories, they hold the powerful accountable, they inform nations, they enlighten peoples’ beliefs and understanding of the world around them, they create change. Words are the tools which journalists around the world use to fight corruption, to rebel against censorship, to battle misinformation, and to bring together communities.

Understanding how to wield the power of words, facts, numbers, and create stories of impact that are ethical, innovative and influential is how our fellowships uplift journalism around the world. Our mission is to train journalists to share the stories of their communities, people, and culture, and to empower the world with their words.

You can make a big impact. Help us train more journalists from information hungry countries. Your investment in the career of a young journalist will change a life, uplift a community and pay off for decades.

Will you help us? Make a difference today.

What word of inspiration would you choose to guide you in 2023?

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Parth Nikil: The idea or word I would like to reflect on: Long-form: I want to work on something enduring for 2023. Possibly a book. 

Saurav Rahman: Fearless. I want to practice fearless journalism and want to inspire others in 2023.

Anastasia Valeeva:Hope. Coming from Russia and being horrified throughout the year by the atrocities perpetrated by the Russian army and the ignorance of the society, I have a hard time seeing the sense of continuing the fight for truth. In so many places elsewhere, these are the dark times. So I can only hope that 2023 will bring us some hope and light to keep going, and wonder what I can do to make it happen sooner.

Nitu Ghale: Persist. If you failed in 2022, you could succeed in 2023. Do not care what others say and think about your desire. Continuing is essential. So, I suggest to people that you should not give up anything if you really like it.

Chencho Dema: I want to write better stories and focus more on environmental stories. Climate change is real and I want to advocate to the masses through my articles how serious the climate change is and how an individual can make a difference. GLOF (glacial lake outburst flood) is a serious issue in Bhutan.

Alfred Friendly Press Partners: The words we think have the most power are Thank You. Thank you means that you have made a difference, you have given the gift of empowering journalists from around the world through the Alfred Friendly Press Partners. Thank you is a powerful anknowledgment of the change and legacy you have given through your donation.

Thank You. Gratitude for the people who donate to lift up journalism globally.

Thank you for making a difference.