Category Archives: Fellow Profile

29 Dec

Words have the power to create change

Words, facts, stories, they hold the powerful accountable, they inform nations, they enlighten peoples' beliefs and understanding of the world around them, they create change. Words are the tools which journalists around the world use to fight corruption, to rebel ...

12 Jan

Tanka Dhakal

Bharatpur, Nepal Organized Crime and Corruption Project Fellow Dhakal, 34, has been a multimedia reporter for, a Nepalese/English digital news outlet, since 2018. During the fellowship program, Dhakal will work for Wisconsin Watch, an innovative digital startup founded by ...

12 Jan

Gagandeep Singh

Jalandhar, India Organized Crime and Corruption Project Fellow Singh, 31, is a multimedia reporter for the Hindustan Times, covering districts in the far north of India since 2017. Singh focuses on criminal justice issues. He uncovered financial irregularities in the ...

12 Jan

Nitu Ghale

Kathmandu, Nepal Organized Crime and Corruption Project Fellow Ghale, 34, has been a reporter for Annapurna Post, a national daily, for six years. During the fellowship program, Ghale will work at the Columbia Missourian and multimedia newsrooms affiliated with the ...

Somesh Jha
12 Jan

Somesh Jha

New Delhi, India Organized Crime and Corruption Project Fellow Jha, 30, is a member of The Reporters Collective established in India in 2021.  The group of investigative reporters  collaborate to produce in-depth multimedia projects in multiple languages that “put the ...

18 Oct

Parth Nikhil

Mumbai, India Organized Crime and Corruption Project Fellow Parth, 30, is an independent reporter based in Mumbai who primarily writes on rural India and sociopolitical topics. He went to work for The Los Angeles Times after training at the Missouri ...

13 Oct

Chencho Dema

Thimphu, Bhutan Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project Fellow Dema, 32, has been a reporter for 10 years. She works for Business Bhutan and is freelancing for BBC, The Wire, The Diplomat and other outlets. In 2019 she won the ...

13 Oct

Indunil Usgoda Arachchi

Colombo, Sri Lanka Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project Fellow Usgoda Arachchi, 34, has worked for five years as a newspaper reporter and freelancer, including stories and photography for the Ravaya newspaper, the Sunday Observer, the Center for Investigative Reporting ...

13 Oct

Saurav Rahman

Dhaka, Bangladesh Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project Fellow Rahman, 33, has worked in journalism for 11 years and is a senior reporter for Maasranga Television.  He focuses on the economy, business, and trade. The show he reports on has ...

12 Oct

David Mono Danga

Juba, South Sudan Pat and Janna Stueve Foundation Fellow Danga, 29, is a Voice of America correspondent and managing editor of an online news media platform in South Sudan. He was a reporter for the Juba Monitor newspaper until December ...

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